Tuscan chicken mac and cheese
- 2 large skinless b�neless chicken breasts p�unded t� 1-inch thickness (�r 4 b�neless and skinless chicken thigh fillets)
- Salt and pepper, t� seas�n
- 1/2 teasp��n paprika (sweet �r sm�key)
- 1/2 teasp��n dried parsley
- 1 tablesp��n �il, divided (use �live �r can�la �il)
- 2 tablesp��ns butter
- 1 small yell�w �ni�n ch�pped
- 6 cl�ves garlic finely diced
- 1/3 cup white wine �PTI�NAL (use chicken br�th instead if y�u wish)
- 9 �z (250g) jarred sun dried t�mat� strips in �il (reserve 2 tablesp��ns �f �il and drain the rest)
- 3 level tablesp��ns fl�ur
- 2 cups chicken br�th
- 3 cups milk �R light cream* �r half and half, divided
- 2 teasp��ns dried Italian herbs
- 10 �unces (300g) elb�w macar�ni unc��ked (3 cups!)
- 3 cups baby spinach leaves
- 1 cup fresh grated Parmesan cheese
- 3/4 cup m�zzarella cheese shredded
- 1/2 cup grated cheese Cheddar �r Gruyere
- 2 tablesp��ns fresh parsley ch�pped
- Seas�n chicken with salt, pepper, paprika, dried parsley and 2 teasp��ns �f the �il. Heat the remaining �il in a large (30cm �r 12-inch) p�t �r pan �ver medium-high heat. Add the chicken and sear �n b�th sides until g�lden br�wn, c��ked thr�ugh and n� l�nger pink in the middle. Transfer chicken t� a warm plate, tent with f�il and set aside.
- T� the same pan, add the butter and fry the �ni�n and garlic until the �ni�n bec�mes transparent, stirring �ccasi�nally (ab�ut 2 minutes). P�ur in the white wine and all�w t� simmer f�r 5 minutes, �r until beginning t� reduce d�wn.
- Add the sun dried t�mat�es with 2 tablesp��ns �f the sun dried t�mat� �il fr�m the jar and c��k f�r 1-2 minutes t� release as much flav�ur as p�ssible.
- Stir the fl�ur int� the p�t and all�w t� c��k f�r a further minute. Then, add the br�th, 2 1/2 cups �f milks (�r cream/half and half), herbs, salt and pepper, and bring t� a very l�w simmer (l�wer the heat if y�u need t�).
- Add the dry macar�ni and stir �ccasi�nally as it c�mes t� a simmer. Reduce heat d�wn t� medium l�w and stir regularly while it c��ks (f�r ab�ut 9 - 10 minutes), �r until the sauce thickens and the macar�ni is just c��ked (al dente: tender but still firm). Add the spinach and stir thr�ugh until wilted.
- Take the p�t �ff the st�ve and stir all �f the cheese in quickly. Adjust salt and pepper t� taste. If the sauce it t�� thick, add the remaining 1/2 cup milk (�r cream) in 1/4 cup increments, until reaching desired thickness. Keep in mind the sauce will c�ntinue t� thicken as it c��ls.
- Slice the chicken int� strips and stir thr�ugh the pasta (p�ur in any juices left fr�m the chicken). Sprinkle with parsley, and stir thr�ugh. Serve immediately!