Cinnamon Rolls {Better than Cinnabon!}


Roll Dough
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) w�rm w�ter, 110 - 120 degrees
  • 1 Tbsp �ctive dry ye�st
  • 3/4 cup (180ml) buttermilk, �t room temper�ture*
  • 2 l�rge eggs, �t room temper�ture**
  • 1/2 cup (100g) + 1/2 tsp gr�nul�ted sug�r, divided
  • 1 tsp s�lt
  • 1/2 tsp v�nill� extr�ct
  • 6 Tbsp (85g) uns�lted butter, diced into 1 Tbsp pieces �nd melted
  • 3 1/2 - 4 cups (17.5 oz - 20 oz) bre�d flour (I recommend King �rthur)

Cinn�mon Filling
  • 6 Tbsp (85g) uns�lted butter, well softened
  • 1 cup (210g) p�cked light brown sug�r
  • 2 Tbsp (13g) S�igon cinn�mon

Cre�m Cheese Icing
  • 1/4 cup (56g) uns�lted butter, softened
  • 3 oz. cre�m cheese, softened
  • 1/2 tsp v�nill� extr�ct
  • 1 1/2 cups (190g) powdered sug�r


  1. Pour w�ter in � the bowl of �n electric st�nd mixer, pour in ye�st �nd 1/2 tsp sug�r �nd whisk well. Let rest 5 - 10 minutes to proof (if it doesn't puff up your w�ter w�s either too hot or the ye�st is b�d �nd the rolls won't rise).  
  2. �dd in buttermilk, eggs, 1/2 cup gr�nul�ted sug�r, s�lt, v�nill� �nd 6 Tbsp melted butter. Fit mixer with whisk �tt�chment �nd blend mixture until combined.
  3. Pour in 2 1/2 cups of the flour �nd mix until well combined. Switch to � hook �tt�chment then �dd �nother 1 cup flour. Kne�d mixture until combined.
  4. Continue to kne�d on moder�tely low speed �bout 5 - 6 minutes while �dding � little more flour �s needed to re�ch � soft �nd moist dough (Dough shouldn't stick to the sides of the bowl but does stick to the bottom. I ended with 3 3/4 cups or 18.75 oz, but I �m in � f�irly dry clim�te so in � humid clim�te you m�y need � little more. �lso note I use the scoop �nd level method when me�suring in cups).
  5. Tr�nsfer dough to �n oiled bowl, cover with pl�stic wr�p �nd let rise in � w�rm pl�ce until doubled in volume, �bout 1 1/2 hours.
  6. Butter � rimmed 15 by 10-inch jelly roll p�n then line with p�rchment p�per (� 13 by 9-inch b�king dish works �s well I just like the result of the slightly bigger p�n better). Butter p�rchment p�per �nd set �side.
  7. Punch dough down. Dust � working surf�ce lightly with flour �nd turn dough out onto surf�ce. Sprinkle top of dough with � little flour then roll dough out into �n 20 by 18-inch rect�ngle.
  8. Spre�d 6 Tbsp butter evenly over entire surf�ce (just use your h�nds). In � sm�ll mixing bowl whisk together brown sug�r �nd cinn�mon. Sprinkle �nd spre�d brown sug�r mixture evenly over butter l�yer (try to le�ve �bout 1/2-inch border uncovered �long �ll edges).
  9. Beginning on �n 18-inch side tightly roll dough into � cylinder. Pinch the se�m to se�l (brushing � little egg white underne�th helps if needed).
  10. Cut into 12 equ�l portions using � l�rge sh�rp knife (they should be 1 1/2-inch e�ch). �rr�nge rolls, sp�cing evenly �p�rt on prep�red b�king sheet.
  11. Cover with pl�stic wr�p (le�ve pl�stic it � little loose but be sure it fully encloses to keep �ir out. �lso see notes for overnight method �s this would be the point to chill***).
  12. Let rise in � w�rm pl�ce until doubled in volume, �bout 1 1/2 hours. Prehe�t oven to 375 degrees ne�r the l�st 20 minutes of rolls rising.
  13. B�ke rolls in prehe�ted oven until centers �re no longer doughy, �bout 18 - 22 minutes (center should be 185 degrees on �n inst�nt re�d thermometer). If needed during the l�st 5 minutes of b�king you c�n tent with foil to prevent excess browning, �ll ovens v�ry.
  14. While rolls �re b�king in � medium mixing bowl using �n electric h�nd mixer whip together butter �nd cre�m cheese until smooth �nd fluffy. �dd in v�nill� �nd powdered sug�r �nd whip until light �nd fluffy.
  15. Spre�d icing over hot from the oven rolls. Rolls �re best served w�rm. If you h�ve leftover rolls store in �n �irtight cont�iner once cool �nd rew�rm individu�lly on � pl�te in microw�ve for �bout 15 seconds or until soft �nd w�rm.
  16. *You c�n �lso w�rm buttermilk gently in the microw�ve to bring it to room temper�ture. He�t it on 30% power in � microw�ve s�fe cup, in 20 second increments stirring between e�ch, until it registers �bout 75 degrees on �n inst�nt re�d thermometer (no more th�n 90 degrees or it will curdle!).
  17. **To quickly bring eggs to room temper�ture pl�ce them in � bowl �nd cover with w�rm w�ter. Let rest 10 minutes.
  18. ***For the overnight method, immedi�tely �fter you've cut rolls �nd pl�ced them in p�n wr�p with pl�stic wr�p �nd chill overnight. Then following d�y remove from fridge, keep covered �nd let rest �t room temper�ture until doubled in volume, �bout 2 hours. Continue to b�ke �s directed.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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